Research Summary - D2 + Thesis

  According to Hyundai Newsroom's website, "Car emissions are one of the main forms of pollution affecting air quality in cities and towns. The automotive industry is aiming to help create a cleaner environment through eco-friendly vehicles." (Hyundai, 2018). The statistic websiteData Comms mentioned that Singapore clocked in at 7.69 metric tons of carbon emission in the year 2020 (Data Commons, 2020). This increasing statistic proves the need of a more viable and sustainable source of propellent.

  Hyundai's Fuel Cell Technology stand out amongst it's competitors. Firstly, what is the difference between electrical powered vehicles compared to hydrogen-powered vehicles? According to GraniteHyundai, Hydrogen is combined with oxygen to create electricity. Compressed hydrogen gas is forced through a fuel cell stack that transforms that chemical energy into electrical energy. When electricity is created this way, instead of harmful chemicals being produced, water vapor is produced as the by-product. This is a much more eco-friendly alternative than a traditional gasoline powered engine and the emissions it produces (GraniteHyundai, n.d.). 

  The upside of a Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle is the charging speed, which is said to be almost instantaneous with only a few minutes needed for a full charge. According to Hyundai Motor Company (2013) stated that it costs 1.1 billion dollars to upgrade two fuel cell plants due to the need for expensive materials like platinum. Hydrogen is a flammable liquid and requires high-pressure tanks and cryogenic tanks, which are costly.  

  In conclusion, hydrogen fuel cells and electrical vehicles are a promising alternative choice to traditional sources like fossil fuel/diesel. However, sustainable infrastructures and economical challenges are still problems that we are facing as a whole. Recent addition in charging ports around the island are a good sign of advancement towards a greener future. 

Thesis Statement(1st):
  Hydrogen fuel cells could help revolutionize clean energy but without significant technological advancements to infrastructure, and cost, their potential will remain unrealized. 

Thesis Statement(Revised):
  Hydrogen fuel cells could help revolutionize sustainable clean energy with the assistance of technological advancements and interest towards the integration of hydrogen charging stations into the nation's infrastructure.

1. Hyundai News. (n.d.) how does Fuel Cell work? Retrieved from how does Fuel Cell work?
2. Hyundai G. (n.d.). Hyundai Fuel Cell Cars Explained. Retrieved from Hyundai Fuel Cell Cars Explained
3. Data Commons. (n.d.). Retrieved from,CarbonDioxide&hl=en
4. Alternative Fuels Data Center (n.d.) How Do Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Work Using Hydrogen? Retrieved from Picture
5. Hyundai News. (2013) Retrieved from Fuel Cells


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