Project Contributions
Ampaire EEL Hybrid Propulsion Aircraft
The Ampaire EEL was chosen as the research topic point based on readily accessible information, topic relevance, and innovation. 21/10/24 - By delegating different relevant topics to research individually, all of my group members were able to craft out an ideal, gap and goal based on the chosen research topic. I focused on refining and crafting the Ideal problem statement. 1. By inputting the prompts on the AI 'CoPilot', "How to realistically enhance an aircraft to achieve sustainable flight." 2. The result was, "An aircraft should ideally have the KERS to recover kinetic energy during descent, optimizing its performance during various flight operations, by converting it to electrical energy." which was used in the final problem statement. 25/10/24 - Further research was done on the Ampaire Hybird EEL Aircraft. I gave both 'CoPilot' and 'ChatGPT' prompts on the various information I needed to further solidify the chosen topic. Example of prompts were, 1. Kinetic Energy Regeneration System for Enhanced Efficiency in Ampaire EEL Hybrid Aircraft 2. Which is more viable, storing the excess energy in the flywheel or battery 29/10/24 - Our team got started on the report, we picked a section each to focus on. I volunteered to write up the executive summary and introduction. 1. Advice was given by our professor to use the technical report "Oasis Toilet" from a previous student group as a reference. 2. By referencing the past report "Oasis Toilet," I was able to develop the foundation for the executive summary and introduction of the technical report. 01/11/24 - The team got online on the virtual voice chat software, Discord to pitch in various ideas and provided valuable personal feedback on the technical report. One of the tasks needed to be completed was the selection of our team's name. I suggested the team name 'Quantum', and it was accepted unanimously. We wanted a professional yet futuristic team name, and 'Quantum' checked all the boxes.
04/11/24 - Over the weekend, we had our hands tied with the completion of the technical report. Where our task was to complete the report till the purpose statement. Working on the resources and snippets of our past work, we had completed our various parts before the first technical report consultation with our professor. I completed the executive summary and introduction for Quantum's chosen topic, "Integration of KRSS and SSB into Ampaire's EEL Hybrid aircraft". The team has enforced a system to check each other's part to ensure everything is factually correct and well put. Started on the backbone(flow, content) of our upcoming presentation.
07/11/24 - Our team was assigned to deliver the first presentation by selection, so we had to complete our presentation slides over the weekend. We utilized Discord voice chat for discussions and delegated specific points for each member to work on. By efficiently dividing the tasks, we managed to complete the slides before the presentation. I volunteered to handle the closing, which involved delivering the conclusion and summary of the entire pitch presented by my teammates. This efficient workflow gave us ample time to rehearse our verbal presentation and refine our delivery for an ideal flow.
11/11/24 - After today's presentation, feedbacks from our professor was inline with what I felt about my personal and team's performance. Some of the feedbacks include the speaker's positioning and the art of handling off the speech to another person. Doing my personal self-reflection, I can conclude that many factors plays into the skill of public speaking. It is important to compose ourselves and to have a safety net to fall in case things go south. We also used some resources from our presentation slide on our technical report. Specifically the research done on the existing systems (KERS and SSBs) used in the commercially available aviation technology. After our lessons, we had an interview appointment with Dr Hendrick from the University of Glasgow who is an expert in the field of aerospace. We had relevant questions prepared and recorded the session.
14/11/24 - As our presentation was done, we focused on the technical report for the next available consultation. Further improvements were done to the report, prompts were given to ChatGPT to further evaluate the comparisons between existing technology and innovational ideas. We were also tasked with evaluating other team's presentation based on the template given. I was tasked with giving my review for Krissh, Wen Jun and Albert. Who has all done a great job on the presentation, there were rarely any pauses and fillers injects. They definitely has the necessary knowledge on the presented topic.
Prompts given to ChatGPT,
1. Lithium-ion batteries vs Solid-state batteries in an aviation context
2. Benefits and disadvantages of integrating KERS into an aircraft
18/11/24 - Our online consultation with our professor went well, albeit plenty of changes to be made. Some changes include the introduction of our systems in the introductory segment instead of the technical explanation segment. This change gives the readers an insight and prelude to what our report is eluding to. Other changes includes the usage of the PEEL method, this allows a smoother flow to our technical report. Denzel and I took down minutes in case details were missed out. Feedbacks were sent to our chat group to be worked and improved on.
My summary of the feedback given,
1. Introduction - Wording and phrasing to match with tech report specifications
2. Background - Add in brief PEEL summary
3. Background - Phrasing needs to change
4. 1.1.3 - Front load the information given
5. Above 1.1.7 - Add in ideal statement on the needed ideal engine type
6. Proposed solution - Give some background on the technology
7. Benefits - Give direct headers of the benefits
8. Methodology - Do not discuss findings, instead give specifications on how do we find out the information
22/11/24 - As our consultation was done on Monday, our team utilized this 2 hour to focus on improving the report's layout and formatting. Incorporating most of the feedback given from Monday's session to free up our time during the weekend for the upcoming math test on Wednesday. Some of the changes include,
- Working on the APA7 citation (in-text, figures)
- Shifting the brief introduction of the implements to the introductory segment as a prelude to the technical segment of the report
- Added brief PEEL formatting on the background
- Rephrased the background for a smoother flow
25/11/24 - Updated portfolio (blogger) up till the latest contribution as of 25/11/24. Revised my reader's response to match the required criteria and rubrics. Reworked the formatting which was jumbled up based on the feedback given, specifically the position of the topic summary, thesis and conclusion.
28/11/24 - Last physical lesson with professor, everyone was tasked with reflecting on our past learnings with, 'Learned, Relearned and Unlearned'. My personal approach to this prompt was to acknowledge the positive habits by practicing them consistently, eliminate bad habits that impede learning, and always apply critical thinking logically and thoughtfully. For our final technical report, the team delegated the workload among us individually. I volunteered to complete the methodology and conclusion sections, which provide an overview of our team's efforts throughout the report, based on both primary and secondary research.
29/11/24 - The experience I went through with my team 'Quantum' was a fruitful and rewarding journey. I have learn plenty about myself and my teammates, enabling me to foster collaborative spirit among ourselves. A Discord voice chat was initiated to finalize our team's findings and completion of the report for tomorrow's submission. Final changes I did include,
1. Edited the appropriate italics and font for the references
2. Ran a grammatical and sentence structure check on my own segments
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Purpose Statement & Proposed Solution header
- Impacts (first two points)
- Methodlogy header & Primary research
- Conclusion
3. Checked on each other's segments to ensure all is ready for submission
29/11/24 - The experience I went through with my team 'Quantum' was a fruitful and rewarding journey. I have learn plenty about myself and my teammates, enabling me to foster collaborative spirit among ourselves. A Discord voice chat was initiated to finalize our team's findings and completion of the report for tomorrow's submission. Final changes I did include,
1. Edited the appropriate italics and font for the references
2. Ran a grammatical and sentence structure check on my own segments
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Purpose Statement & Proposed Solution header
- Impacts (first two points)
- Methodlogy header & Primary research
- Conclusion
3. Checked on each other's segments to ensure all is ready for submission
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