Reader Response Final

   Hyundai Newsroom's article "Car emissions are one of the main forms of pollution affecting air quality in cities and towns. The automotive industry is aiming to help create a cleaner environment through eco-friendly vehicles." (2018). Based on the statistics provided by the website, "DataCommons" (2020), Singapore clocked in at 7.69 metric tons of carbon emission in the year 2020. The amount of household that owns a four-wheeled private transport takes up 33% of every resident living here in Singapore. That is almost 1 in every 3 citizens despite a 40% decrease in vehicle ownership compared to 2014 (Loi, 2023). Inferring from the research data, numbers will continue to proliferate due to Singapore's increasing GDP and demand for private vehicular convenience. This report will discuss the foreseeable changes in the mode of transport in Singapore, as well as the technology that will be ushering in an alternative to fuel-powered vehicles. In the year 2019, Hyundai unveiled the Hyundai Nexo. The Hyundai Nexo unlike any other vehicles on the road, is powered by the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology. The Hyundai Nexo's Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology showcases the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source. Traveling over 600 kilometres on a single charge without emitting any pollutants, highlighting hydrogen’s potentiality for the future of sustainable public/private transportation. The hydrogen fuel cell technology utilizes hydrogen combined with oxygen to create electricity. Compressed hydrogen gas is then forced through a fuel cell stack that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. When electricity is created using this method, water vapor is produced instead of harmful chemicals and pollutants like carbon monoxide. This is a much more eco-friendly alternative source when compared to a conventional gasoline-powered engine and the pollutants it produces (GraniteHyundai, n.d.). 

  Hydrogen fuel cells could help revolutionize sustainable clean energy in Singapore with the assistance of infrastructural advancements in expanding hydrogen charging stations. The government could also rally interest to increase consumer demand for the swap from electric-powered vehicles to hydrogen-powered vehicles using incentives and subsidies. 

  In the market, there are a total of 3 types of vehicles utilizing hydrogen. The three types are, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs), Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (HICEVs), and Plug-in Hybrid Hydrogen Vehicles (PHHVs). Hyundai Nexo belongs to the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) category, it uses Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells that operate under moderately low temperatures and have a high power density (Lhyfe Heroes, 2024). There are numerous reasons why Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells are used in commuting vehicles, namely, its superior ability to convert chemical energy into electricity efficiently and its durability due to having fewer movable parts with lower maintenance requirements.

  The applications of hydrogen fuel cells are highly adaptable, ranging from powering vehicles like cars and trucks to stationary power plants. It only takes about 8 minutes for hydrogen fuel cells to be fully charged, compared to the estimated 21 minutes it takes for an Electric Vehicle (EV) with a similar tank capacity (Hyundai Motor Company, 2024). Furthermore, the efficiency rating for hydrogen fuel cells is at 60% compared to 30 - 35% for traditional fuel-powered engines. Directly leading to lower carbon dioxide emissions (Hu, Su, & Wei, 2023).

  Despite the various benefits of using Hydrogen fuel cell technology, it still has substantial improvements needed in terms of refuelling station availability. Hydrogen vehicles still lack the required infrastructure or refuelling stations. Hydrogen cars are more costly than electric cars and have only 1000+ refuelling stations worldwide as of 2023. However, electric cars can be purchased at a more reasonable price point and have thousands of charging stations globally (Darshan, 2023). Recognizing the shortcomings and potential application of such a technology. In 2022, Singapore launched the National Hydrogen Strategy to accelerate the transition to ideal net zero emissions and strengthen energy security. This strategy was placed to counter the current lack of supported and specialized hydrogen infrastructure nationwide. Ultimately achieving net zero emissions and utilizing hydrogen to supply up to half of Singapore's power usage by the year 2050. This is evident by Singapore’s introduction of Hydrogen fuel cell buses by SBS Transit in 2022, representing Singapore’s commitment to sustainable green energy (Eng, 2024). However, this strategy requires substantial production and research funding (Ministry of Trade, 2022). 

  In conclusion, Hydrogen fuel cells are a promising alternative to traditional sources like fossil fuel. However, sustainable infrastructures like the lack of hydrogen charging points, economical funding for production, and consumer demand are problems that Singapore must address before the implementation of such a technology.  


Hyundai News. (n.d.). How does Fuel Cell work?

Loi, E. (2023).

Data Commons. (n.d.).  Carbon Emission Statistics,CarbonDioxide&hl=en

Hyundai News. (2013).  Fuel Cells

Yun Hang Hu, Hanrui Su, & Zhang Wei. (2023). An energy breakthrough: Tech researchers create new type of fuel cell. Michigan Technological University.

Darshan, J. (2023). Hydrogen vs electric cars: Which One offers a better future? EV Blogs | EV components Manufactures and Suppliers 

Geiger, K. (2024).  An energy breakthrough: Tech researchers create new type of fuel cell. Michigan Technological University

HTWO. (2023). Hyundai Motor premieres commercialized MODEL OF ITS XCIENT fuel cell tractor and vision for hydrogen mobility in the US. 

Ministry of Trade. (2022). National Hydrogen Strategy

Lhyfe Heroes. (2024). What are the different types of hydrogen vehicles? 

Eng, N. (2024). Hydrogen powered transport takes Singapore by storm. GEIH.’s%20NEXO%2C%20a%20hydrogen%2Dpowered,potential%20of%20hydrogen%20in%20transportation.


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