Reader Response Draft 4
According to Hyundai Newsroom (2018), car emissions significantly impact air quality in urban areas. In response, the automotive industry is striving to create a cleaner environment through the development of eco-friendly vehicles. This effort is evident in Singapore, which has increasingly incentivized and subsidized consumers to transition to electric vehicles (EVs) over the past decade. Supporting this shift, DataCommons (2020) reports that Singapore’s carbon emissions were 7.69 metric tons in 2020. Additionally, 33% of households in Singapore own a four-wheeled private vehicle, which is equivalent to nearly one in three residents, despite a 40% decrease in vehicle ownership since 2014 (Loi, 2023). This trend suggests that vehicle ownership may rise further due to Singapore’s growing GDP and increasing demand for private transportation. Hydrogen fuel cells, a key technology in eco-friendly vehicles, generate electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxy...